Supplementary Materials from Print Volumes of Mark Twain's Letters
Editorial Signs
Guide to Editorial Practice
Steamboat Calendar: Clemens’s Piloting Assignments, 1857–1861
Maps of Nevada Territory, 1864
Photographs and Manuscript Facsimiles, 1853–1866
Enclosure with 31 March 1870 To Charles F. Wingate • Buffalo, N.Y. (Gray 1870)
Enclosure with 1 April 1870 to Jervis and Olivia Lewis Langdon • Buffalo, N.Y. (SLC 1870)
Enclosure with 30 January 1871 To James Redpath • Buffalo, N.Y. (Redpath 1871)
Lecture Schedule, 1871–1872
Boston Lyceum Bureau Advertising Circular, 1871
Book Contracts, 1870–1871: Roughing It and Diamond Mine Book
Photographs and Manuscript Facsimiles, 1870–1871
Enclosure with 27 April 1874 To John Brown • Elmira, N.Y. (Dubuque Herald,21 Apr 74)
Enclosure with 8? October 1874 (unrecovered) To William Dean Howells • Hartford, Conn. (St. Louis Republican, 6 Oct 74)
Enclosure with 29 January–1 February 1875 (unrecovered) To William Dean Howells • Hartford, Conn. (Stoddard 1875)
Scandinavian Press Reviews, 1874–1875
Reviews of the Gilded Age Play, 1874–1875
Howells’s Review of Mark Twain’s Sketches, New and Old
Clemens’s “Spelling Match” Speech, 1875
William Seaver’s Squibs about Clemens, 1874–1875
Photographs and Manuscript Facsimiles, 1874–1875
Clemens and Langdon Genealogies
Introduction, 1853–1866
Introduction, 1867–1868
Introduction, 1869
Introduction, 1870–1871
Introduction, 1872–1873
Introduction, 1874–1875
Acknowledgments, 1853–1866
Acknowledgments, 1867–1868
Acknowledgments, 1869
Acknowledgments, 1870–1871
Acknowledgments, 1872–1873
Acknowledgments, 1874–1875
Introduction, 1876–1880
Acknowledgments, 1853–1880
Mark Twain’s Letters, Title Pages
Excerpts from Annie Fields’s Diary: 6 April and 27–29 April 1876
Reviews of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by William Dean Howells and Moncure D. Conway
1876 Nominations for President: Hayes and Tilden Acceptance Letters
Books Published by the American Publishing Company
Speech to the New England Society
Enclosures with the Letters (1877)
Book and Play Contracts, 1876–77
Photographs and Manuscript Facsimiles, 1867–1868
Prospectus of the Quaker City Excursion
Passengers and Crew of the Quaker City
Itinerary of the Quaker City Excursion
Enclosure with 20 November 1867 to Jane Lampton Clemens and Family (1st of 2) • New York, N.Y.(New York Herald, 20 Nov 67)
Enclosure with 25 November 1867 to Charles Henry Webb • Washington, D.C.(MS:InU-Li)
Enclosure with 3 September 1868 To Elisha Bliss, Jr. • Elmira, N.Y.(Excelsior Monthly Magazine, August 1868,RPB-JH)
Enclosure with 28 November 1868 to Olivia L. Langdon • New York, N.Y.(New York Tribune, 11 May 67)
Contract for The Innocents Abroad
Lecture Schedule, 1868–1869
Enclosure with 12 January 1869 To Mary Mason Fairbanks • El Paso, Ill. (Charlotte Republican, 30 Dec 68)
Enclosure with 12 January 1869 to Mary Mason Fairbanks • El Paso, Ill. (Lansing State Republican, 31 Dec 68)
Enclosures with 23 January 1869 To Joseph H. Twichell and Family • Cleveland, Ohio (Toledo Blade, 21 Jan 69)
Enclosure with 8–10 March 1869 To John Russell Young • Hartford, Conn. (New York Tribune galley proof)
Enclosure with 19 August 1869 to Olivia L. Langdon • Buffalo, N.Y. (Buffalo Express, 19 Aug 69)
Calendar of Courtship Letters, 1868–1870
Lecture Schedule, 1868–1870
Advertising Circulars: 1869
Photographs and Manuscript Facsimiles, 1869
Enclosure with 20 January 1872 to Olivia L. Clemens • Harrisburg, Pa. (Longfellow 1871)
Enclosure with 3 January 1873 To Whitelaw Reid • (2nd of 2) • Hartford, Conn. (SLC 1873)
Enclosure with 6 January 1873 To Whitelaw Reid • Hartford, Conn. (SLC 1873)
Enclosure with 25 January 1873 To Whitelaw Reid • Hartford, Conn. (SLC 1873)
Mark Twain’s 1872 English Journals
Book Contracts, 1872–1873
Preface to the Routledge Gilded Age
Photographs and Manuscript Facsimiles, 1872–1873
Descriptions and Commentaries, 1872–1873
Enclosure with 23 January 1869 To Joseph H. Twichell and Family • Cleveland, Ohio (Toledo Commercial, 21 Jan 69)
Editorial narrative preceding 24 August 1853 to Jane Lampton Clemens
Editorial narrative following 17 and 18 February 1854 to the Muscatine Journal
Editorial narrative following 5 March 1855 to the Muscatine Tri-Weekly Journal
Editorial narrative following 5 August 1856 to Henry Clemens
Editorial narrative following 1 June 1857 to Ann E. Taylor
Editorial narrative following 21 June 1858 to William A. Moffett per Telegraph Operator
Editorial narrative following 26 April 1861 to Orion Clemens
Editorial narrative following 19 August 1863 to Jane Lampton Clemens and Pamela A. Moffett
Editorial narrative following 28 May 1864 to William K. Cutler
Editorial narrative following 11 November 1864 to Orion Clemens
Editorial narrative following 25 August 1866 to William Bowen
Editorial narrative following 28–31 January 1870 to Joseph H. Twichell
Editorial narrative following 3 December 1870 to James Redpath
Editorial narrative following 31 January 1871 to Elisha Bliss, Jr., or Francis E. Bliss
Editorial narrative following 15 May–10 June 1871 to Donn Piatt
Editorial narrative following 1 November 1871 to Olivia L. Clemens
Editorial narrative following 20 November 1871 from Olivia L. Clemens to Robert M. Howland
Editorial narrative following 11 December 1871 to James Redpath
Editorial narrative following 18 December 1871 to Olivia L. Clemens
Editorial narrative following 10 May 1874 to Frederick W. Haddon
Editorial narrative following 28 June 1874 to Anna E. Dickinson
Editorial narrative following 1–3 August 1874 to Anna E. Dickinson
Editorial narrative following 6 September 1874 to Frank Fuller
Editorial narrative following 14 December 1874 to William Dean Howells
Editorial narrative following 21 December 1874 to T. B. Pugh
Editorial narrative following 11 April 1875 to John S. H. Fogg
Editorial narrative following 24 May 1875 to P. T. Barnum
Editorial narrative following 29? July 1875 to James Redpath
Editorial narrative following 11 October 1875 to James G. Blaine
Editorial narrative following 5 November 1875 to William A. Seaver
Editorial narrative following 15 December 1866 to Jane Lampton Clemens and Family
Editorial narrative following 2?–7 February 1867 to John McComb
Editorial narrative following 1 May 1867 to Francis Bret Harte
Editorial narrative following 8 June 1867 to John McComb
Editorial narrative following 18 March 1868 to Mary Mason Fairbanks
Editorial narrative following 13 March 1869 to Olivia L. Langdon
Editorial narrative following 30, 31 October and 1 November 1869 to Olivia L. Langdon
Editorial narrative following 20 January 1872 to Olivia L. Clemens
Editorial narrative following 27 January 1872 to James Redpath
Editorial narrative following 3 February 1872 to Alvin J. Johnson
Editorial narrative following 13 February 1872 to James Redpath
Editorial narrative following 7 March 1872 to Orion Clemens
Editorial narrative following 31 March 1872 to James R. Osgood
Editorial narrative following 26 May 1872 to Francis E. Bliss
Editorial narrative following 23 June 1872 to Joseph L. Blamire
Editorial narrative following 1 September 1872 to Olivia L. Clemens
Editorial narrative following 20–22 December 1872 to Joseph H. Twichell
Editorial narrative following 2 February 1873 to Olivia L. Clemens
Editorial narrative following 17 May 1873 to Charles Dudley Warner
Editorial narrative following 4 August 1873 to Edmund H. Yates
Editorial narrative following 29 September 1873 to Louisa P. MacDonald (2nd of 2)
Editorial narrative following 30 October 1873 to John Brown
Editorial narrative following 14 November 1873 to Olivia L. Clemens
Editorial narrative following 28 November 1873 to George H. Fitzgibbon