1864-08 (August 1864)
What a Sky-Rocket Did
- Description: San Francisco Morning Call, 12 August 1864
[Sarrozay Letter from “the Unreliable”]
- Description: Manuscript (previously unpublished), 16–22 August 1864
The New Chinese Temple
- Description: San Francisco Morning Call, 19 August 1864
The Chinese Temple
- Description: San Francisco Morning Call, 21 August 1864
The New Chinese Temple
- Description: San Francisco Morning Call, 23 August 1864
Supernatural Impudence
- Description: San Francisco Morning Call, 24 August 1864
Inexplicable News from San José
- Description: San Francisco Morning Call, 23 August 1864
How to Cure Him of It
- Description: San Francisco Morning Call, 27 August 1864