Explanatory Notes        Apparatus Notes ()
This text has been superseded by a newly published text
To Ellen D. Conway
28 October 1876 • Hartford, Conn. (MS, correspondence cards: NNC, UCCL 01383)

My Dear Mrs. Conway: Just as we were in the turmoil of leaving Elmira, nearly 2 months ago, I received a letter from you referring to Chatto & the electrotype plates, & showing that you were a little bothered or discomforted about that business. It struck me all of a heap, about 5 minutes ago, that I surely had never answered that letter.1explanatory note I am a brute, & I hope you will forgive me. You know a person is always half-consciously answering a letter, in his own mind, while he is reading it. Then if he puts it out of his sight for a day, woe be to him, for he will imagine he has answered it. I know the gist of my answer to you, but I can’t remember putting it on paper. To-wit: That the fact that my estimate of cost of plates was not received, relieves us all from blame, & neither you nor Mr. Conway must allow yourselves a single annoying thought or one moment of discomfort about the matter.

As to Chatto, his case is simple & easy. I will pay Bliss for the plates, & if they are worth re-shipping home, we’ll do it. If not, we won’t. And moreover, I shan’t have any hard feelings toward Chatto. I couldn’t afford it at that price.2explanatory note

I feel like a scoundrel of the blackest dye, Mrs. Conway; & I am coming to England (in April, Mrs. Clemens puts it,) within the entire family—mainly to apologize to you & Mr. Conway.3explanatory note One can’t do these things to one’s satisfaction in a letter. Pray suspend judgment till then. And accept, now, my high appreciation & gratitude for the trouble you both have taken with my matters over there.

Truly Yrs
S. L. Clemens.
Textual Commentary
Previous Publication:

MicroPUL, reel 1.


The Conway Papers were acquired by NNC sometime after Conway’s death in 1907.

More information on provenance may be found in Description of Provenanceclick to open link.

Explanatory Notes

Conway’s letter does not survive.


Clemens had offered once before to bear the cost of the electrotype plates (see 1 Aug 76 to Moncure Conwayclick to open link.


The Clemenses did not go to England until the summer of 1879, at the end of their 1878–79 European sojourn, at which time they visited the Conways (see N&J2, 48, 334 n. 80).