Explanatory Notes        Apparatus Notes ()
Calendar of Courtship Letters, 1868–1870

This calendar, spanning volumes 2–4 of Mark Twain’s Letters, lists every letter Clemens is believed to have sent Olivia Langdon—whether or not any text for it has survived—between 7 September 1868 and 20 January 1870, shortly before their marriage on 2 February. Nearly half the courtship letters are now lost. Nevertheless, missing letters have been assigned specific dates and places, or at least a specific range of dates and places, as the evidence warrants. The docket numbers of missing letters (Olivia usually numbered each envelope) have been inferred from the letters that do survive and are supplied within square brackets. Bracketed numbers are also supplied whenever an envelope is missing and no docket appears on the letter, and, in one case 81½, when Olivia may not have numbered a letter at all.

docket date place
1 7 and 8 Sept 68 Elmira
2 21 Sept 68 St. Louis
3 4–5 Oct 68 Hartford
4 18 Oct 68 Hartford
5 30 Oct 68 Hartford
6 28 Nov 68 New York
7 missing, 28 Nov–3 Dec 68 New York
8 4 Dec 68 (1st of 2) New York
9 4 Dec 68 (2nd of 2) New York
10 5 and 7 Dec 68 New York
11 9 and 10 Dec 68 New York
12 12 Dec 68 Norwich, N.Y.
13 19 and 20 Dec 68 Fort Plain, N.Y.
14 21 and 23 Dec 68 Detroit
15 23 and 24 Dec 68 Lansing, Mich.
16 25 Dec 68 Lansing
17 27 Dec 68 Tecumseh, Mich.
18 30 Dec 68 Cleveland
19 31 Dec 68 Cleveland
20 2 Jan 69 Fort Wayne, Ind.
21 missing, 4 or 5 Jan 69 1explanatory note Indianapolis or Chicago
22 7 Jan 69 Rockford, Ill.
23 7 Jan 69 Chicago
24 missing, 10 Jan 69 2explanatory note Galesburg, Ill.
25 12 Jan 69 El Paso, Ill.
26 13 and 14 Jan 69 Ottawa, Ill.
27 14 Jan 69 Davenport, Iowa
28 17 Jan 69 Chicago
29 19 Jan 69 Cleveland
30 20 and 21 Jan 69 Toledo
31 21 and 22 Jan 69 Norwalk, Ohio
32 22 Jan 69 Cleveland
33 23 and 24 Jan 69 Cleveland
34 24 Jan 69 Cleveland
35 26 and 27 Jan 69 Batavia, Ill.
36 missing, 27? or 28? Jan 69 Freeport, Ill., or Waterloo, Iowa
37 29 and 30 Jan 69 Galena, Ill.
38 13 Feb 69 Cleveland
39 13 and 14 Feb 69 Ravenna, Ohio
40 15 Feb 69 Ravenna
41 17 Feb 69 Titusville, Pa.
42 missing, 23 Feb 69 3explanatory note Trenton, N.J.
43 26 Feb 69 Stuyvesant, N.Y.
44 27 Feb 69 Lockport, N.Y.
42 45 28 Feb 69 Rochester
46 2 Mar 69 Rochester
47 4 Mar 69 Lockport
47 48 5 Mar 69 Hartford
48 49 6 Mar 69 (1st of 2)4explanatory note Hartford
50 6 Mar 69 (2nd of 2) Hartford
51 8 Mar 69 Hartford
52 8 and 9 Mar 69 Hartford
53 10 Mar 69 Hartford
54 12 Mar 69 Hartford
55 12–13 Mar 69 Hartford
56 13 Mar 69 Hartford
57 missing 13–16 Mar 69 Boston; New York; Newtown, N.Y.
58 missing
59 missing 19–20 Mar 69 5explanatory note Sharon, Pa.
60 missing
61 8 May 69 New York
62 8 May 69 Hartford
63 missing, 9? May 69 Hartford
64 9 May 696explanatory note Hartford
65 missing, 10 May 69 Hartford
66 missing, 10–12 May 69 Hartford
67 12 May 69 Hartford
68 13 May 69 Hartford
69 14 May 69 Hartford
70 15 May 69 (1st of 2) Hartford
71 15 May 69 (2nd of 2) Hartford
72 15 and 16 May 69 Hartford
73 17 and 18 May 69 Hartford
74 missing, 18? May 69 Hartford
75 19 and 20 May 69 Hartford
76 missing 20–23 May 69 7explanatory note Hartford and New York?
77 missing
78 missing
79 missing
80 missing
81 24 May 69 So. Windsor, Conn.
81½ 29 May 698explanatory note Elmira
82 8 June 69 Elmira
83 21 June 69 Hartford
84 23 June 69 New York
85 missing 12–22 July 69 Buffalo and Cleveland
86 missing 1–7 Aug 69 9explanatory note Buffalo
87 missing
88 missing
89 missing
90 8 Aug 69 Buffalo
91 missing, 9? Aug 69 Buffalo
92 missing, 10? Aug 69 Buffalo
93 missing, 11? Aug 69 Buffalo
94 missing, 12? Aug 69 Buffalo
95 missing, 13? Aug 69 Buffalo
96 missing, 14? Aug 69 Buffalo
97 missing, 15? Aug 69 Buffalo
[98] missing, 16? Aug 69 Buffalo
99 missing, 17? Aug 69 Buffalo
100 missing, 18? Aug 69 Buffalo
101 19 Aug 69 Buffalo
102 missing, 19 or 20 Aug 69 Buffalo
103 missing, 20 Aug 69 10explanatory note Buffalo
104 21 Aug 69 Buffalo
105 missing, 22? Aug 69 Buffalo
106 missing, 23? Aug 69 Buffalo
107 missing, 24? Aug 69 Buffalo
108 25 and 26 Aug 69 Buffalo
109 missing, 30 or 31 Aug or 1 Sept 69 11explanatory note Buffalo
110 1 Sept 69 Buffalo
111 missing, 2? Sept 69 Buffalo
112 missing, 3? Sept 69 Buffalo
113 3 Sept 69 Buffalo
114 missing, 4? Sept 69 Buffalo
115 missing, 5? Sept 69 Buffalo
115½ 6 and 7 Sept 6912explanatory note Buffalo
116 7 Sept 69 Buffalo
117 8 and 9 Sept 69 Buffalo
118 missing 14–29 Sept 69 Buffalo
119 missing
120 missing
121 missing
122 missing
123 missing
124 missing
125 missing
126 missing
127 missing, 28? or 29? Oct 69 13explanatory note en route to Pittsburgh?
128 30, 31 Oct, 1 Nov 69 Pittsburgh
129 missing, 6? Nov 69 Boston
130 missing, 7? Nov 69 Boston?
131 missing, 8? Nov 69 Worcester? or Boston, Mass.
132 missing, 9? Nov 69 14explanatory note Boston or Providence, R.I.
133 10 Nov 69 Boston
134 10 and 11 Nov 69 Boston
135 missing, 12? Nov 69 Boston?
136 missing, 13? Nov 69 Norwich, Conn.
137 missing, 14? Nov 69 15explanatory note Norwich, Conn.
138 15 and 16 Nov 69 Clinton and Holyoke, Mass.
139 missing, 17? Nov 69 Danvers or Boston, Mass.
140 missing, 18? Nov 69 Boston?
141 19 Nov 69 Boston
142 missing, 20? Nov 69 Boston
143 missing, 21? Nov 69 Boston
144 missing, 22? Nov 69 Boston
145 missing, 23? Nov 69 Boston or Hartford
146 missing, 24? Nov 69 Hartford
147 24 and 25 Nov 69 Hartford and Boston
148 25 Nov 69 Boston
149 27 Nov 69 Boston
150 28 Nov 69 Boston
151 29 Nov 69 Boston
152 missing 7–13 Dec 69 16explanatory note Philadelphia; Washington, D.C.; Germantown, Pa.; West Meriden, Conn.; New Britain, Conn.; or Springfield, Mass.
153 missing
154 missing
155 14 Dec 69 Springfield, Mass.
156 15 and 16 Dec 69 Pawtucket, R.I., and Boston
157 missing, 17 Dec 69 Boston
158 missing, 18 Dec 69 17explanatory note Boston
158 159 18 and 19 Dec 6918explanatory note Boston
160 21 Dec 69 Boston
161 missing, 21? Dec 69 Hudson, Mass.
162 missing, 22? Dec 69 19explanatory note Portland, Me.
163 25 Dec 69 Boston
164 missing, 25? Dec 69 20explanatory note Boston
165 missing, 26? Dec 69 Boston
166 27 Dec 69 New Haven
167 missing, 27–31 Dec 69 21explanatory note New Haven; Trenton, N.J.; Newark; Wilkes-Barre, Pa.; or Williamsport, Pa.
168 6 Jan 70 New York
169 8 Jan 70 (1st of 2) Troy, N.Y.
170 8 Jan 70 (2nd of 2) Troy
171 missing, 9? Jan 70 Troy
172 10 Jan 70 (1st of 2) Albany
173 10 Jan 70 (2nd of 2) Albany
174 missing, 11? Jan 70 22explanatory note West Troy, Troy, or Albany, N.Y.
175 missing, 12? Jan 70 Rondout, N.Y.
176 13 Jan 70 Cambridge, N.Y.
177 14 Jan 70 Troy
178 14 Jan 70 Utica, N.Y.
179 missing, 15? Jan 70 Oswego, N.Y.
180 missing, 16? Jan 70 Oswego?
181 missing, 17? Jan 70 Baldwinsville, N.Y.
182 missing, 18? Jan 70 23explanatory note Syracuse or Ogdensburg, N.Y.?
183 missing, 19? Jan 70 24explanatory note Buffalo?
184 20 Jan 70 Hornellsville, N.Y.
Explanatory Notes

Clemens evidently did not write on 3 January from Fort Wayne (see 14 Jan 69 to OLLclick to open link). nor on 6 January from Rockford until past midnight (letter 22). He lectured in Indianapolis on 4 January and the following day may have stopped in Chicago en route to Rockford.


Very likely Clemens wrote to Olivia on 10 January from Galesburg, the same day he wrote to Harriet Lewis, enclosing both letters in an envelope addressed to Charles J. Langdon (see 10 Jan 69 to Lewis, n. 6click to open link).


Because Clemens was in Elmira from 19 through 22 February, and did not write on either 24 or 25 February, this letter was almost certainly written on 23 February from Trenton (17 Feb 69 to Fairbanksclick to open link, 26 Feb 69 to OLLclick to open link).


Whereas Olivia renumbered Clemens’s 28 February letter to correct a miswriting, she presumably renumbered these two letters after the late arrival of his letter of 4 March.


Clemens could have written these letters during two intervals when he was absent from Elmira: 13–16 March and 19–20 March. He was in Elmira on 17, 18, and possibly 19 March, and again from about 21 March through early May (see p. 175).


The envelope published with the 9 May letter (docket number 64) may actually belong to a missing letter of 10 May (see 10 May 69 to Redpath, n. 2click to open link), which would make the 9 May letter number 63, the 10 May letter number 64, and two letters written 10–12 May numbers 65 and 66 (9 May 69 to OLL, n. 5click to open link).


It is not possible to assign these letters to specific days or places. Presumably Clemens sent some of them from Hartford. He was in New York City by 23 May, however, and may have written one or more there before his arrival in South Windsor, Connecticut, by that evening. He did not write from South Windsor until the next day.


Since no docket number is missing between 81 and 82, this undated note, if written on 29 May as its content suggests, was either not assigned a number by Olivia, or, like Clemens’s letter of 6 and 7 September, was assigned the “½” number conjectured here.


Except for his visits to Cleveland in mid-July and Buffalo in early August, Clemens spent most of the time between 23 June and 8 August with Olivia in Hartford, Elmira, and Niagara Falls (26 June 69 to JLC and PAMclick to open link; 1 Aug 69 to Bliss, n. 2click to open link; 8 Aug 69 to OLL, n. 1click to open link).


It must have been in this letter or the preceding one that Clemens enclosed the letter he received on 20 August from Pamela Moffett (see 20 and 21 Aug 69 to PAMclick to open link).


Clemens went to Elmira on Friday, 27 August, and probably returned to Buffalo on Monday, 30 August.


Olivia used Clemens’s standard method of interpolating a number by adding “½,” indicating that she received or docketed this letter after letter 116.


Clemens spent most of the time between 3 and 30 September in Buffalo, with at least one weekend trip to Elmira (from 10 to 13 September). On 30 September, he went to Elmira and remained there for almost a month, until the beginning of his lecture tour. It is therefore probable that he wrote letters 118 through 127 in Buffalo between 14 and 29 September (one of them on the night of 26 September), although he may have written the last of the sequence en route to Pittsburgh, his first lecture stop, on 28 or 29 October (8 and 9 Sept 69 to OLLclick to open link; 26 and 27 Sept 69 to Fairbanksclick to open link; 27 Sept 69 to Bliss, n. 2click to open link; 27 Oct 69 to Severanceclick to open link).


In his letter of 10 November 69 to Oliviaclick to open link, Clemens confessed to a “four days’ hiatus”—probably 2–5 November—during which he wrote no letters. It is therefore likely that he wrote letters 129–32 during the next four days. His whereabouts in the first part of November remain somewhat uncertain (see pp. 385–86).


In one of these three missing letters, Clemens evidently enclosed a photograph of Josh Billings (see 15 and 16 Nov 69 to OLL, n. 3click to open link).


Clemens probably did not write to Olivia on 30 November since he expected to see her early the next day in New York City. He spent the week of 1–7 December with her there, except for a trip to Poughkeepsie to lecture on 3 December. Therefore he probably wrote letters 152–54 after he left New York on 7 December. Of the places where he lectured or stayed between 7 and 14 December, only Mt. Vernon, New York, on 10 December, was an unlikely site for a letter since Clemens evidently saw Olivia in New York City on the day of that performance and again on 11 December (15 and 16 Dec 69 to OLL, n. 1click to open link).


Clemens wrote this letter on the morning of 18 December, misdating it 17 December. Since he had been too ill to write a complete letter on 16 December, he must have written letter 157 on 17 December.


Olivia revised the docket of this letter after she belatedly received or docketed Clemens’s letter of 18 December.


Clemens probably wrote letter 161 in Hudson, Massachusetts, where, after lecturing, he seems to have spent the night of 21 December (see 21 Dec 69 to OLL, n. 3click to open link). He probably wrote letter 162 the following night, after lecturing in Portland. Since it wasn’t until Christmas Day that he wrote Olivia of the imposition he suffered in Rockport, Massachusetts, on 23 December, he presumably did not write to her then. He definitely wrote no letter on 24 December.


In letter 163 Clemens anticipated writing Olivia another letter that day.


Clemens must have written this letter before going to Elmira, where he “spent Jan. 1, 2, 3 & 5” of 1870 (6 Jan 70 to Fairbanks, CSmH, in MTMF , 112).


After lecturing in West Troy on 11 January 1870, Clemens may have spent the night there or, conceivably, returned to his former lodgings in nearby Troy or Albany.


Clemens registered at a Syracuse hotel on 18 January before he went on to Ogdensburg for his evening lecture (“City Items,” Syracuse Standard, 19 Jan 70, 3).


Clemens lectured in Fredonia, New York, on the evening of 19 January, but it is unlikely that he wrote to Olivia then since his letter of the following day from Hornellsville contains his report of the Fredonia performance. He may, however, have written a 19 January letter from Buffalo, where he spent part of the day, probably visiting his office at the Express, before going to Fredonia.