Explanatory Notes        Apparatus Notes ()

Source: University of Virginia, Charlottesville ([ViU])

Cue: "I did hope"

Source format: "MS"

Letter type: "[standard letter]"


Last modified:

Revision History: AB

Published on MTPO: 2007

Print Publication: v3

To Henry M. Crane
21 August 1869 • Buffalo, N.Y. (MS: ViU, UCCL 00338)
morning express $10 per annum.      office of the express printing company
evening express $8 per annum.            no. 14 east swan street.
weekly express $1.50 per annum.
buffalo, Aug. 21 186 9.
My Dear Crane—

I did hope to lecture for you, but I can’t.1explanatory note I am sorry, but the thing can’t be helped. I have already taken a newspaper & am going to take a wife—& that s is enough to look after for the present. I am under contract to lecture in New England, but have written to-dayemendation to ask to be exp excusedemendation, & no doubt I shall be.2explanatory note

Have heard from Kingston,3explanatory note but cannot talk there either.

Sam. L. Clemens.

Textual Commentary
21 August 1869 • To Henry M. CraneBuffalo, N.Y.UCCL 00338
Source text(s):

MS, Clifton Waller Barrett Library, University of Virginia, Charlottesville (ViU).

Previous Publication:

Collector (October 1948), lot M 1956, excerpt; L3 , 315–316.


sold by Walter R. Benjamin Autographs in 1948; deposited at ViU by Clifton Waller Barrett on 17 December 1963.

More information on provenance may be found in Description of Provenanceclick to open link.

Explanatory Notes

Crane (1838–1927), a bookkeeper, had been (and probably still was) secretary of the Lincoln Literary Association, of Rondout, New York, for which Clemens had delivered his “American Vandal Abroad” lecture on 2 December 1868 (Ulster County Directory, 239; Crane family monument, Montrepose Cemetery, Kingston, N. Y., information courtesy of Amanda C. Jones; L2 , 47–48, 247 n. 3, 262).


Clemens had already written James Redpath on 14 August to “beg off.” Redpath’s response, now lost, must have urged him to reconsider. Clemens’s letter of 21 August, doubtless more emphatic, is not known to survive.

Emendations and Textual Notes
  to-day ●  to- | day
  exp excused ●  expcused