Explanatory Notes        Apparatus Notes ()

Source: United States Library of Congress, Washington, D.C ([DLC])

Cue: "If I can"

Source format: "MS"

Letter type: "[standard letter]"


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Revision History: AB

Published on MTPO: 2007

Print Publication: v3

To Oliver Wendell Holmes
30 September 1869 • Buffalo, N.Y. (MS: DLC, UCCL 00360)
editorial rooms of “the express,”
buffalo, Sept. 30 18 69.
Dear Mr. Holmes—

If I can get my pen to go along over this new-fangled cobble-stone paper without kicking up behind, (which I wish I had the author of it here,) I will acknowledge the receipt of your note & thank you heartily for your good words.1explanatory note

Since you would like to know what excuse I had for sending you so large a book, Mr Holmes, I can easily furnish a good one. I have had emendationread the “Autocrat of the Breakfast Table” two or three times already, when a superior young lady requested me a short time ago to read it again & mark it & marginal-note it all the way through for her., (Young ladies like that sort of thing)they are the parties that damage the library books—& I did. Then I said in my secret soul, I have got a chance at this gentleman who writes Autocrats of Breakfast Tables & gives me extra work to do, & I will hurl my six hundred & fifty pages at him if I “fetch” the State if I miss him & “fetch” the State house! {N. B.—Elsie Venner is waiting to be marked—commission from the same party.}2explanatory note

But speaking seriously, I so enjoyed reading the Autocrat the third time that I gave imposed the pleasant task upon myself of redin red reading emendationit again & marking it without a suggestion from anybody. {Mem.—Am in the habit of marking books for the party mentioned a while ago.} I hadn’t any real “excuse,” but I sent the book just as a sort of unobtrusive “Thank-you” emendationfor having given me so much pleasure often & over again. That is honest, as sure as

I am
Yours Most Truly
Sam. L. Clemens

Textual Commentary
30 September 1869 • To Oliver Wendell HolmesBuffalo, N.Y.UCCL 00360
Source text(s):

MS, Papers of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. (DLC).

Previous Publication:

L3 , 364–66.


it is not known when DLC acquired the MS.

More information on provenance may be found in Description of Provenanceclick to open link.

Explanatory Notes

Clemens was responding to the following letter:

Dear Mr. Clements,

I don’t see what excuse you had for sending me such a great big book, which would have cost me ever so many dollars, but I assure you it was very welcome in spite of that—more welcome than you could have guessed it would be, for independently of the pleasure I have had from your other writings, and the agreeable recollection of your visit to my house in company with Mr Locke, some parts of your travels had a very special interest for me. I may mention especially your visits to Palestine and Egypt. You looked at these two countries in a somewhat different way it is true, from Dr Robinson, or Lepsius, but I always like to hear what one of my fellow-countrymen who is not a Hebrew scholar or a reader of hieroglyphics, but a good humored traveller with a pair of sharp twinkling Yankee (in the broader sense) eyes in his head, has to say about the things that learned travellers often make unintelligible and sentimental ones ridiculous or absurd. Not long ago I read Hepworth Dixon’s book about the Holy Land and since that Lady Herbert’s. What a different way they had of looking at things to be sure. I am tolerably familiar with other books on the East and I have a large collection of stereographs of Egypt and Palestine—one of the largest I think that anybody has about here. So you can imagine with what curiosity I followed you through scenes that were in a certain sense familiar to me and read your familiar descriptions and frequently quaint and amusing comments, from such an entirely distinct and characteristic point of view.

I was rather surprised and much pleased to find how well your ship’s company got on together. I had an idea they got sick of each other. I once crossed the ocean with another human being occupying the same stateroom—a German, who was well enough, I don’t doubt—but didn’t I loathe the sight and smell of him before our forty two days passage was over!

Well, I hope your booksellers will sell a hundred thousand copies of your Travels—don’t let them get hold of this letter for the rascals always print everything to puff their books—private or not—which is odious but take my word for it your book is very entertaining and will give a great deal of pleasure.

Yours very truly
O W Holmes

Holmes alluded to: Edward Robinson (1794–1863), American philologist, geographer, and biblical scholar, author of Biblical Researches in Palestine, Mount Sinai and Arabia Petraea (1841); Karl Richard Lepsius (1810–84), German explorer and philologist, author of a number of books on Egypt; William Hepworth Dixon (1821–79), English historian, author of The Holy Land (1865); and Mary Elizabeth Herbert (1822–1911), Baroness Herbert of Lea, translator, novelist, travel writer, and religious biographer, author of Cradle Lands (1867), an account of travels in Egypt and the Holy Land. Clemens and David Ross Locke had visited Holmes in Boston on 14 or 15 March 1869.


Elsie Venner: A Romance of Destiny (1861) was Holmes’s first novel.

Emendations and Textual Notes
  have had ●  haved
  redin red reading ●  redin redading canceled ‘n’ partly formed
  “Thank-you” ●  “Thank- | you”