Explanatory Notes        Apparatus Notes ()

Source: Goodspeed's catalog, | R & R Enterprises Autograph Auctions (rrauctions.com), now RR Auctions, Boston North End, Mass., ([])

Cue: "Will you please have all exchanges saved & put by for me"

Source format: "Sales catalog | MS facsimile"

Letter type: "[standard letter]"


Last modified: 2023-10-13T11:05:19

Revision History: AB | RHH 2023-10-13 cue enlarged, provenance, publication

Published on MTPO: 2007

Print Publication: v6

To Jerome B. Stillson
9 April 1874 • Hartford, Conn. (Goodspeed’s Book Shop: 1927?, lot 4633; 1930, lot 28, UCCL 01073)

Dear Stillson—Will emendation you please have all exchanges saved & emendation put by for me that contain that silly item that I have “received & paid the bill for a complimentary supper given to me emendationin Hartford—? emendation In confidence, I am bringing a libel suit & I want these papers as evidence. Don’t mention it 1explanatory note

. . . .
Textual Commentary
9 April 1874 • To Jerome B. StillsonHartford, Conn.UCCL 01073
Source text(s):

No copy-text. The text is based on two transcriptions, each of which derives independently from the MS:

P1   Goodspeed’s Book Shop 1927?, lot 4633
P2   Goodspeed’s Book Shop 1930, lot 28

Both P1 and P2 describe the MS as an “A.l.s. 2 pp. April 9, ’74,” and both texts are incomplete. A third text, AAA 1924, lot 532 (paraphrase and extract), while independently transcribed from the MS, provides no unique readings.

Previous Publication:

L6 , 102–103.


When offered for sale in 1924 the MS was part of the collection of William F. Gable. Adopted readings followed by ‘(C)’ are editorial emendations of the source readings.

More information on provenance may be found in Description of Provenanceclick to open link.

Explanatory Notes

The New York World’s “exchanges” were copies of other newspapers it received in exchange for copies of its own issues. Clemens may have learned of this “silly item” from Charles Dudley Warner, the acting editor of the Hartford Courant (13 Apr 74 to the editor of the Courant, n. 1click to open link). Warner saw it in the New York Evening Post on 8 April (“Personal,” 2) and must have consulted Clemens before reprinting it in the Courant on 10 April, with a disclaimer:

A paragraph something like the following, which is from the New York Post, is going the rounds of the papers:

Mark Twain recently received and paid the bill for a complimentary supper tendered him in Hartford.

Mr. Clemens has not received nor paid for any complimentary supper in Hartford. Where do such absurdities originate? (“Personal,” 2)

Emendations and Textual Notes
  Apl. 9, ’74. (#C)  ●  April 9, ’74. reported, not quoted  (#P1,P2) 
  Stillson—Will (#P1)  ●  Stillson, Will (#P2) 
  & (#P2)  ●  and also at 102.14  (#P1) 
  supper given to me (#P2)  ●  dinner (#P1) 
  Hartford—? (#C)  ●  Hartford’? (#P1)  Hartford?’ (#P2) 
  it | . . . . | Mark. (#C)  ●  it,” etc. Signed “Mark.” (#P1)  it,” etc., etc. Signed “Mark.” (#P2) 