30 July 1878 • Baden Baden, Germany (MS: VtMiM, UCCL 01580)
The rheumatism stay staid with me (still stays with me), so I failed in the matter of the table; but I have not given that relic up: I expect to be at Lang’s Hotel on the 6th, to see the illumination with a jolly preacher (my pastor,) who will arrive here from Hartford day after tomorrow. At that time I hope to have a chance to see you & collar that piece of furniture.
If you should run across Ayres, I wish you would ask him to challenge somebody right away, so that my reverend friend can see the duel. Tell him I will do as much for him when I am a widower (which God postpone!)
Pray greet Avery for me—for us, I mean. With kindest regards,—
MS, VtMiM.
MicroPUL, reel 1.
Acquired by VtMiM on 29 January 1942.
More information on provenance may be found in Description of Provenanceclick to open link.