3 November 1878 • Rome, Italy (MS: CtHMTH, UCCL 01604)
Will you do me the great favor to cite Mr. Charnaux before you, to the end that he may re-write the enclosed in invoice (if that is the proper name for it,) & certify its correctness? I was ignorant that a certificate was required, & I suppose Mr. Charnaux knew no more than I did. I enclose my friend Sage’s letter (to Rev. T Joseph H. Twichell)—which you will understand, though its business technicalities are a good deal of a difficulty to me.
I shall arrive in Munich, Bavaria, (for the winter,) about Nov. 20; therefore, I will beg you to forward to me there, the document & a memorandum of the costs.
No. 1 A ,
Please address:
S. L. Clemens,
Care Fraülein Dahlweiner,
No. 1 A , Carlstrasse, Munich.
MS, Cyril Clemens Collection, CtHMTH.
MicroPUL, reel 1.
Donated in 1984 by Cyril Clemens.
More information on provenance may be found in Description of Provenanceclick to open link.