17 June 1879 • Paris, France (MS: CtHMTH, UCCL 01673)
Why can’t you come? You could not do a wiser thing or a better one. If you are in earnest, cable me “Clemens—Munroe, Banker, Paris—yes,” & I will then immediately instruct the Cunard Co to siezeⒶemendation upon the first berth given up by any passenger in the Gallia for Aug. 21, & keep it for you.—& cable you when they succeed.
People are changing all the time—our rooms in the Gallia were the worst in the ship a month ago, but the Co said they could better them before the ship sailed—we now have the best rooms in the vessel. So give me the word—& do it by cable.
With a world of love for you all
Our present plan is to leave here for London in the first fortnight of July, but Munroe will forward things to me.
MS, Jervis Langdon Collection, CtHMTH.
MicroPUL, reel 1.
The Jervis Langdon Collection was donated in 1963 by Ida Langdon.
More information on provenance may be found in Description of Provenanceclick to open link.