3 June 1881 • Hartford, Conn. (MS: PHi, UCCL 01967)
Are you a good judge of cigars? And if you ain’t, do you know a good judge? And will you do me the great kindness to put into the said Osgood’s hands, with my very best wishes, 100 of the very choicest cigars in Boston, for to fight the Atlantic voyage with?—none of these-yer dam common cigars, but the kind that a body has to go for regardless of expense. AndⒶemendation will you have the bill sent to me? If you will do this favor for me, I shall be ever so much obliged.
Expense ain’t no object—my aspirations is set on having the best.
MS, Samuel L. Clement, Jr., Collection, PHi.
MicroPUL, reel 2.
The Clement Collection was donated in 1930 by the collector’s widow.
More information on provenance may be found in Description of Provenanceclick to open link.