Explanatory Notes        Apparatus Notes ()

Source: CU-MARK ([CU-MARK])

Cue: "Here is something"

Source format: "MS"

Letter type: "[standard letter]"


Last modified:

Revision History: Larson, Brian

Published on MTPO: 2023

Print Publication:

To Orion Clemens
4 September 1883 • Elmira, N.Y. (MS: CU-MARK, UCCL 02832)
c. j. langdon, elmira, n.y.
Dear Orion—

Here is something which ought to be done, & for which I am not equipped. ; But you are; so I will spare you from the Kings while you attend to it.

Love to Ma & Mollie.

Yr Bro
c. j. langdon, elmira, n.y.
office of e. f. perkins, publisher of state and county histories.
Mr. Samuel L. Clemens,

New Haven, Conn.,

Dear Sir:—I have engaged to write for the publisher named at the head of this sheet a History of this (Marion) County, as per the enclosed prospectus. This is your old county, I believe, and a man that will not stand by his old “stomping ground” and do what he can to have her exalted among the nations of the earth is fit for treasons, etc. (This is a very funny remark addressed to a very funny man—hence these tears.).

Honestly, Mr. Clemens, I am trying to get up a good history of Old Marion County—a work book that shall be local in its circulation, but of some interest to those who live and have lived here. In my work I frequently come across the name of your father., and there are many here who remember him. If you will take the trouble to read the enclosed prospectus you will see by the underscored line that the book will contain sketches of some of the early settlers and prominent citizens. As your father belonged to both classes, I would like to make personal mention of him. I want to know when and where he was born, when in bottom margin: over he came to Missouri, when to this county, when he died, etc. I find him here in 1841, foreman of a petit jury that tried three Illinois abolitionists for stealing slaves from this county, and sent them to the penitentiary for twelve years each. Will you kindly tell me to whom I had better apply for the information I have want concerning Judge Clemens? If you can supply it, and will, I shall be thankful.

I wish you would help me a little in this case., if you feel so disposed. I, of course would be very proud, and the readers highly delighted, if you would write something that might appear in the book. But of course I can’t insist on this. A man that gets only $15 a week for his work cant afford to pay about $5 a word for a very lengthy article, and I presume that would be about your charges. You can give me “pointers,” as the boys say, however, and I can work them up.

In great haste but very respectfully, &c.,
R. I. Holcombe.


Orion Clemens, Esq | Keokuk | Iowa return address: return to c. j. langdon, elmira, n.y., if not delivered within 10 days. postmarked: elmira n.y. sep 4 5pm and rec’d. keokuk, ioa. sep 6 9am

Textual Commentary
Source text(s):

MS, CU-MARK, is source text for the letter. MS, Return I. Holcombe to SLC, 29 August 1883, CU-MARK, UCLC 41636, is source text for the enclosure.

Previous Publication:

MicroML , reel 5.


see Mark Twain Papers in Description of Provenanceclick to open link.
