Explanatory Notes        Apparatus Notes ()

Source: University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, Tex ([TxEU])

Cue: "Mrs. Wm. Barstow"

Source format: "MS"

Letter type: "[standard letter]"


Last modified:

Revision History: AB

Published on MTPO: 2007

Print Publication: v3

To Elisha Bliss, Jr.
7 September 1869 • (1st of 2) • Buffalo, N.Y. (MS: TxEU, UCCL 08611)
morning express $10 per annum.      office of the express printing company
evening express $8 per annum.            no. 14 east swan street.
weekly express $1.50 per annum.
buffalo, Sept. 7, 186 9.
Friend Bliss—

Mrs. Wm Barstow, of Fredericksburg, Va., who applies to you for the Virginia agency of the book, is an old & valued friend of mine, and I want to you to manage to comply with her request, no matter if it can possibly be done. If you will make the appointment & send her all the books she wants & she fails to sell a book or pay a cent, I will be responsible & foot the bill out of my own pocket—for which promise this note may be retained as my guaranty. I have every confidence in her.1explanatory note

Yrs Truly,
Sam . L. Clemens.

letter docketed:and Mark Twain | Sep 7/69

Textual Commentary
7 September 1869 • To Elisha Bliss, Jr. • (1st of 2) • Buffalo, N.Y.UCCL 08611
Source text(s):

MS, Special Collections Library, University of Texas at El Paso (TxEU).

Previous Publication:

Parke-Bernet 1946, lot 120, brief paraphrase; L3 , 339–340.


The MS, inherited by Mrs. Robert I. Ingalls, Jr., of Birmingham, Ala., from her father, R. Jay Flick of Lenox, Mass., was sold to an unidentified buyer in 1946 (Parke-Bernet 1946, lot 120) and was eventually acquired by TxEU.

More information on provenance may be found in Description of Provenanceclick to open link.

Explanatory Notes

As SLC to Elisha Bliss, Jr., 7 Sept 1869 (2nd of 2)click to open link, makes clear, Bliss received this letter from Kate D. Barstow herself, to whom Clemens had sent it, presumably enclosed in a cover letter, now lost.
