To Olivia L. Langdon
10–13 September 1869 • Elmira, N. Y. (MS facsimile, inscription on the front fly-leaf of The Innocents Abroad: CCamarSJ, UCCL 09405)
10–13 September 1869 • Elmira, N. Y. (MS facsimile, inscription on the front fly-leaf of The Innocents Abroad: CCamarSJ, UCCL 09405)
Explanatory Notes
1 Clemens must have presented this inscribed copy of The Innocents Abroad to Olivia in Elmira. His only known visit to her in September was between 10 and
13 of that month, mentioned in his letter to her of 8 and 9 Septemberclick to open link. Nearly forty years later he identified this copy by writing just below the original
inscription: “This was doubtless the first copy issued from the press. We were married
Feb 2, 1870. | S L. C | May 6, 1908.” The book stayed in the family. On the preceding
fly-leaf his youngest daughter added the following: “Jean L. Clemens | 1909.”
MS facsimile, inscription on the front fly-leaf of The Innocents Abroad. The editors have not seen the MS, but a photocopy was provided by the Doheny Collection (CCamarSJ) before it was dispersed (see provenance below).
transcript, Heritage Book Shop catalog, 16 April 1998, lot 111.
the MS was in the Doheny Collection (CCamarSJ), which was sold at auction between 1987 and 1989. See Doheny Collection in Description of Provenanceclick to open link.