16 March 1870 • Buffalo, N.Y. (MS: Joseph, UCCL 09756)
16 March 1870 • Buffalo, N.Y. (MS: Joseph, UCCL 09756)
office “express” printing co.
in answer i am obliged to say that it will not be possible
for me to accept your kind invitation. i shall not be able to lecture again
during the present season. thanking you kindly for the compliment of your
invitation, i am
Mch. 16
dear sir:
yours truly,
boston lyceum bureau,
20 bromfield street,
l. clemens.
[“mark twain.”]
P.S.—I replied this morning m by telegraph. I have not accepted an invitation (except one last night to help Mr. Nicholls read for the G.A.R.) since the 21st of Jan. I would like well to talk in Rochester, but must stick to present policy & decline. I am far behindhand with literary contracts that must be fulfilled.1explanatory note
Yrs Truly
ℓ. L. Clemens.
Explanatory Notes
Clemens had no pressing “contracts.” For Nichols, see p. 456 n. 2.
MS facsimile. The editors have not seen the MS, which is in the collection of Wayne M. Joseph.
L4 , 92; Merwin-Clayton, 1906, lot 1018, brief quotation.
The letter was part of the George M. Elwood Collection when it was offered for sale in 1906.
More information on provenance may be found in Description of Provenanceclick to open link.