Francis D. Clark
20 August 1877 • Elmira, N.Y. (MS: CSfCP, UCCL 10338)
20 August 1877 • Elmira, N.Y. (MS: CSfCP, UCCL 10338)
Elmira, N.Y. Aug. 20.
Francis D. Clark, Esq
Dr Sir: Your favror of the 13th has just been forwarded to me from the St. James, New York, & in reply I regret to be obliged to say that others engagements have put it out of my power to accept the courteous invitation of the Society of Pioneers.1explanatory note
With many thanks for the compliment of the invitation,
I am
Ys Truly
Samℓ. L. Clemens
letter docketed: Mark Twain
Explanatory Notes
1 The invitation from Clark, like the one he had issued in 1876, has not been found.
He hoped that Clemens would attend the banquet to be held on 8 September
in Long Branch, New Jersey, by the Associated Pioneers, in celebration of the
twenty-seventh anniversary of California’s statehood (5 Jan 1876 to Clark; “The
California Pioneers,” New York Times, 9 Sept 1877, 2).
MicroPUL, reel 1.