Explanatory Notes        Apparatus Notes ()

Source: Boston Globe, 1874.06.29 ([])

Cue: "Daughter born, a few days ago"

Source format: "Transcript"

Letter type: "fragment"


Last modified:

Revision History: MBF

Published on MTPO: 2007

Print Publication: v6

To James Redpath
10–15 June 1874 • Elmira, N.Y. (Boston Globe, 29 June 74, UCCL 12053)
. . . .

Daughter born, a few days ago. Weight, seven and three-quarters pounds. All well. Yours, Mark.1explanatory note

Textual Commentary
10–15 June 1874 • To James RedpathElmira, N.Y.UCCL 12053
Source text(s):

“Personal,” Boston Globe, 29 June 74, 4. Copy-text is a microfilm edition of the newspaper in the Fogler Library, University of Maine, Orono (MeU).

Previous Publication:

L6 , 157; “News and Notes,” St. Louis Dispatch, 2 July 74, 2; McWilliams, 20.

Explanatory Notes

“Mark Twain thus concludes a business letter to his agent in this city:” was the Boston Globe’s lead-in to this fragment, published on 29 June. On 18 June, the Boston correspondent of the Hartford Courant had reported that “Mr. Redpath has begun to make up his list of lectures for the winter” (Templeton, 1). It is likely, therefore, that around early June Redpath inquired if Clemens wished to lecture during the 1874–75 season, and that in the business portion of the present letter Clemens declined. He might have written between 10 and 15 June, when he announced Clara’s birth in letters to family and friends.
