Explanatory Notes        Apparatus Notes ()

Source: Thomas E. Madigan, Inc. catalog, ([])

Cue: "All right—will smoke with you"

Source format: "Sales catalog"

Letter type: "[standard letter]"


Last modified:

Revision History: VF

Published on MTPO: 2009

Print Publication: v3

To Unidentified
16 October 1871–27 February 1872 • Hartford, Conn. (Partial transcript: Thomas F. Madigan sales catalog, 1935, lot 67,
UCCL 12467)

67 CLEMENS, Samuel L. MARK TWAIN. Distinguished American Author and Humorist. A.L.S. 1 p., 8vo. Hartford, n.d.                              $10.00

A Characteristically Humorous Letter. “All right—will smoke with you, if Redpath can arrange a night that will suit all around. Confound that ferry!”1explanatory note

Textual Commentary
Source text(s):

partial transcript, Thomas R. Madigan sales catalog, 1935, lot 67.

Previous Publication:

MicroPUL, reel 8.

Explanatory Notes
1 The date range provided for this undated letter is an editorial conjecture based on the reported place of writing (Hartford) and the reference to James C. Redpath, who managed Clemens’s October 1871–February 1872 lecture tour. Redpath also managed Clemens’s November 1869–January 1870 tour. However, Clemens was in Hartford more frequently during the 1871–1872 tour. The later date range may be the better candidate, but the earlier range cannot be ruled out.